JustKiddingNews is a news-based channel on Youtube that covers articles sent in by fans. It was started on July 9, 2012.
The channel uploads 3 videos every day. In most videos, there is a guest. The most recurring guests and Honorary Members are Gina Darling, David So, Nikki Blades and Boze (Ericka Bozeman).
The channel currently has over 2 billion views to date.
Channel Stats[]
As of October 2019, the channel has ~1.88 million subscribers and over 2,010,450,684 views.
In each video, they have either Julia Chow or Tiffany Del Real as the host. The person that is sitting beside them, who is usually the featured guest, will read the title of the article. The host will then proceed to explain the article. Then everyone speaks and gives their opinion. Though, while the article is being explained and after it has been explained, everyone will talk, constantly making jokes if it is humorous. JKNews tag line is "Real News, Realer Opinions", a lot of their conversations is about their opinions whether people agree with them or not.